Marshmallow Caps 100

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Marshmallow is especially beneficial for soothing and protecting mucous membranes and for counteracting excess stomach acid. It is also considered mildly laxative and is often used for various intestinal conditions.

Marshmallow contains mucilage which helps aid the expectorant influence of phlegm and provides soothing support for the bronchial tubes and lungs.

Indications for use:

Supports mucous membranes and the respiratory system

Supports gastrointestinal comfort

Supports the kidneys and bladder


Per capsule

Marshmallow Root (Althaea officinalis) 450mg

Other ingredients: Capsule (gelatin, water) 

Recommended Dose:

Take 1 capsule with a meal twice daily.

If symptoms persist, come into the health shop for a chat or phone and make an appointment and see me as a naturopath in my clinic.
Phone: 094264455

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Stanmore Bay
Orewa 0931


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